Receiving medical treatment
from the comfort of your home
With online consultation, you can see your regular doctor from home or work via the internet. Since you’ll be having a face-to-face conversation with the doctor, it won’t be much different from your usual visit. While physical examinations such as listening to your heartbeat or conducting tests cannot be done, we will carefully listen to your concerns. Please feel free to ask anything you’re worried about.
- Fever
- Headache
- Common cold
- Gastroenteritis
- Sore throat
- Rash
- Hypertension
- Joint pain
- OC
- ED
- Diabetes
- Altitude sickness
- Others
Receiving medical treatment
from the comfort of your home
With online consultation, you can see your regular doctor from home or work via the internet. Since you’ll be having a face-to-face conversation with the doctor, it won’t be much different from your usual visit. While physical examinations such as listening to your heartbeat or conducting tests cannot be done, we will carefully listen to your concerns. Please feel free to ask anything you’re worried about.
- Fever
- Headache
- Common cold
- Gastroenteritis
- Sore throat
- Rash
- Hypertension
- Joint pain
- OC
- ED
- Diabetes
- Altitude sickness
- Others
On the day
of your appointment
Make an appointment for online consultation via the reservation website.
Access the URL provided in the email you received.
On the day
of consultation
Await our call at the scheduled time; the URL for the online consultation will be in the confirmation email.
Enter the online consultation room using the provided URL.
Reception staff will confirm your insurance information and basic patient information.
Describe your symptoms to the doctor; additional information may be requested for certain conditions.
Our staff will explain the payment process. Click “Leave call” once payment is confirmed to exit the room.
After consultation
Complete payment as instructed during the consultation.
Receive prescription and receipt via email for your prescribed medication.
Receiving prescribed medication
1. Delivery to your home.
2. Pick up at the nearestpharmacy.
Kindly schedule your online consultation here